We went to Macaroni Grill--which is a pretty "posh" place here in Taiwan.
It was so fun to have a reason to get a bit dressed up.
*Funny moment: On the way to the restaurant, Joy was thirsty so I gave her a bottle. The driver asked me what Joy was doing and I told him, "Ta he niao niao." Thinking, I said, "She is drinking milk." He stopped and went silent. James quickly explained what I really meant: "Ta he niu nai." Apparently, "niao niao" means Pee! Oh the joys of learning the language.
With no trustworthy babysitters--our date nights include taking darling Joy along... It definitely makes the date interesting. Most of our time consisted of picking up the knives that she tossed to the ground, stopping her from chewing up the crayons (for some reason she loves pointy things and the taste of crayons and soap), and keeping her in our view as she visits the surrounding tables.
Of course, most of the guests enjoy her babbling and fight to keep her attention on their table!
ps. The longer I am married to James, the more I am stunned I ever got him. How did I get so lucky??? I figure I must have either wearied Heavenly Father just too much with my prayers, or offered some massive bargain for him, or else Father just really really likes me.